
The CS0

CS0 is a club at The British School Rio de Janeiro associated with the Computer Science department. The club has three branches with activities related to computer science, programming, engineering and financing.

Advisor: Oscar Neiva

Engineering Branch

The CS0 engineering branch focuses on the production of nanosatellite systems. Among the nanosatellite categories, the CS0 developed a cansat. Cansats have a small set of subsystems, for instance, the power and energy subsystem, sensors subsystem and communication subsystem.

Ambassador: Arthur Kiyoshi

Programming Branch

The programming branch at CS0 focuses on programming olympiads and competitions. The students participating in this branch have C++ and algorithms tutorial sessions to prepare for the Brazilian Informatics Olympiad (Olipíada Brasileira de Informática - OBI). OBI is the Brazilian national competition to select the best students in the country for the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI).

Ambassador: João Pedro Marujo Costa Pinto

Financing Branch

The financing branch at CS0 focuses on investments, predictive algorithms and machine learning.

Ambassador: Miguel Prieto